Use "neonate|neonates" in a sentence

1. Anomalies of cerebral structures in Acranial neonates

2. Lamellar ichthyosis in a female neonate without a Collodion membrane

3. None of the neonates was ABO incompatible or anemic.

4. It is still in the primary stage of the penumbra study in neonate with HIE.

5. In premature neonates, this leads to infant respiratory distress syndrome.

6. The Consistory elevates this concept from the neonate level up to the Elder level

7. Synonyms for Ankle biter include baby, child, infant, babe, newborn, neonate, tot, wean, bambino and suckling

8. For this reason, some believe that Anencephalic neonates are functioning human beings despite the absence of all cognitive function.

9. Beaker The newly hatched neonates were transferred to muslin covered Beakers (11.0r6.5 cm)

10. Anencephalic neonates may have an intact brain stem and may have spontaneous res-

11. Synonyms for Bantling include babe, brat, neonate, baby, child, infant, bairn, tot, bambino and newborn

12. The case report at hand portrays the treatment of a neonate suffering from tracheal agenesis.

13. Histamine iontophoresis was used to Arterialize capillary blood of neonates in one early study

14. Methods 8624 cases of neonates infection after direct rooming-in management were retrospectively analyzed.

15. There is a higher risk of infection for preterm or low birth weight neonates.

16. The development of a problematic medical situation that occurs Concurrently with the birth of a neonate

17. · The incidence of Asphyxiated neonates treated with hypothermia varied by hospital level of care.

18. There are many synonyms of Bantlings which include Babe, Bambino, Bantling, Bundle, Child, Kid, Neonate, Newborn, Suckling, Toddler, …

19. Indistinct reflexes often occur in neonates, possibly because the constriction of the anal canal is weak.

20. Congenital alveolar capillary dysplasia (CACD) is a rare cause of persistent pulmonary hypertension in neonates (PPHN).

21. in newborns with myasthenia neonatorum i.e. transient myasthenia of neonates born from myasthenic mothers, in normal newborns.

22. Afebrile pneumonia syndrome (APS) is a relatively uncommon disease of neonates and infants younger than 6 months

23. 63 It was also noted lower Adipopectic and higher visfatin levels in LGA and SGA than AGA neonates

24. For drug measurement in neonates, partners generated an analytical method that estimates the intracellular concentration of the drug.

25. Accompanying the shuttle crew will be 66 laboratory rats,[] six of them nursing females and the remainder neonates.

26. Background: L-Cysteine is thought to be a conditionally essential (i.e., essential under certain conditions) amino acid for neonates

27. Congenital hypothyroidism, formerly called sporadic Cretinism, 1 is a disorder characterized by very inadequate thyroid hormone production in neonates.

28. Community-acquired methicillin-resistant S Aureus is a substantial and increasing proportion of S Aureus infections in previously healthy neonates

29. Cardiorespiratory Five (0.5%) neonates with severe tricuspid regurgitation had heart murmurs, and two (0.2%) of them presented with Cardiorespiratory distress

30. Adhesive Atelectasis is a feature of respiratory distress syndrome of the neonate as well as acute respiratory distress syndrome in adults

31. The platform of the SERVO 300 series enabled treatment of all patient categories, from adult to neonate, with one single ventilator.

32. We determined selection gradients of coyote predation on neonate movement rate and plant cover and diversity at Bedsites during the first 10 days of life.

33. Research has focused on quantifying coyote predation on neonates, but little research has addressed the potential influence of Bedsite characteristics on survival

34. The synonyms of Bantlings include are Babe, Bambino, Bantling, Bundle, Child, Kid, Neonate, Newborn, Suckling, Toddler, Tot, Bairn, Little One and Small Child

35. Myxoedematous Cretinism Congenital hypothyroidism, formerly called sporadic Cretinism, 1 is a disorder char-acterized by very inadequate thyroid hor-mone production in neonates

36. We determined selection gradients of coyote predation on neonate movement rate and plant cover and diversity at Bedsites during the first 10 days of life.

37. There are many synonyms of Bantling which include Babe, Bambino, Bundle, Child, Kid, Neonate, Newborn, Suckling, Toddler, Tot, Bairn, Little One, Small Child, etc.

38. Cesarean delivery is the most commonly performed major abdominal surgery in the world accounting for almost 30 million neonates born worldwide in 2015

39. We therefore analysed CSF from human neonates with hydrocephalus for these proteins to provide an insight into the pathophysiology associated with different Aetiologies.

40. Midgut olulus classically appears as bilious vomiting in neonates. Howeer, in our group of patients (Table , this condition was seen in only 1 patient.

41. Differential diagnosis The differential includes: developmental Bowing exaggeration of normal age-related angulation changes at the knee neonates and infants normally have varus angul

42. We determined selection gradients of coyote predation on neonate movement rate and plant cover and diversity at Bedsites during the first 10 days of life.

43. Because Anencephalic neonates have partially functioning brain stems, they reserve some of the body’s autonomic functions, such as those of the heart, kidneys and intestines

44. Neonate Bedsites had greater plant cover values compared with random sites (t = 30.136; p\0.001), indicating bedsite selection was consistent with the hider strategy used to avoid predation

45. Neonate Bedsites had greater plant cover values compared with random sites (t = 30.136; p < 0.001), indicating bedsite selection was consistent with the hider strategy used to avoid predation

46. The variable “time to sustained respiration” of the newborn shows only a weak association with neonatal acidaemia but good correlation with the whole clinical status of the neonate (Apgar-soore).

47. The BoogieBaby range of nasal and oral Aspirators are cost effective, designed in collaboration with clinicians and use smooth materials that are gentle on neonates and infants

48. Although few data exist on efficacy and safety of Antihypertensive medications in neonates, a wide variety of medications have been utilized in those who do require treatment

49. Population characteristics of neonates gastric aspirate positive for Anaerobies The mean gestation age of newborns was 32.7 weeks post-conception; the mean weight was 1792 g (±719 g)

50. Neonate Bedsites had greater plant cover values compared with random sites (t = 30.136; p < 0.001), indicating bedsite selection was consistent with the hider strategy used to avoid predation

51. Congenital Alveolar capillary dysplasia (ACD) is a rare and fatal developmental lung disease characterized by respiratory distress in neonates due to refractory hypoxemia and severe pulmonary arterial hypertension.

52. Cae Healthcare’s first tetherless and completely wireless infant simulator, Cae Luna, offers a complete range of options for essential training in the care and medical treatment of a neonate in crisis

53. Decreased blood mitochondrial (mt) gene expression (CCOI/ beta-actin) in the absence of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion in 1-3 days old neonates exposed to highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) during pregnancy PRESENTER(S):

54. Among cases that are detected by routine amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling, one study found that the prevalence of Turner syndrome among tested pregnancies was 5.58 and 13.3 times higher, respectively, than among live neonates in a similar population.

55. I and i Antigens have a reciprocal relationship: I is expressed on the red cells of most adults, but not on those of neonates, whereas i is expressed only very weakly on the cells of most adults, but strongly on fetal and neonatal cells